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Interview with Guy Kawasaki: The State of Social Media (2009)

In September 2009, Guy Kawasaki visited Vienna to give a keynote lecture about innovation. I had the chance to interview Guy – we talked about his impressive biography, his Twitter strategy (Guy had more than 160k followers then and has 1.3mio now ) and his current project alltop.

This is the full cut of the interview – I also made a split-version consisting of 5 topical parts. If you prefer to watch these videos or if you’d like to discuss Guy’s ideas, please visit my blog:


datenschmutz-Podcast: Interview mit Matthias Lüfkens

Matthias Lüfkens, den ich beim World Blogging Forum in Bukarest kennen gelernt habe, hielt die Keynote beim eDay 2010. Im Anschluss an seinen Vortrag befragte ich den Social Media Verantwortlichen des World Economic Forum Davos etliche zum Thema Social Media im Unternehmenseinsatz – Matthias hat hervorragende Tipps parat, und er weiß, wovon er spricht: @Davos hat auf Twitter 1,5 Millionen Followers.