LinkedIn insider information: Interview with Giovanni Iachello | Head of Data Products

LinkedIn insider information: Interview with Giovanni Iachello | Head of Data Products

Linked stratey tips and insider information: How 5 minutes each day spent on the world’s largest business social network boost your brand | Interview with Giovanni Iachello

EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW! Last week, LinkedIn rolled out their publishing platform in the German market. Giovanni Iachello, Head of International and Data Products at LinkedIn’s headquarter in Mountain View, presented facts and insights to Austrian journalists.

Before the workshop I had the chance to talk with Giovanni. During our 20 minute talk, we covered the following topics:

1. Giovanni Iachello | Head of international and data products
2. LinkedIn’s secret sauce: The ideas behind business social networking
3. LinkedIn’s publishing platform: Where content marketing meets storytelling
4. The future of online advertising: The 3 foundations of LinkedIn’s business model
5. Social networks and private data: The end of safe harbor | The power of BIG data
6. LinkedIn’s homepage feed: How filtering is a complex issue these days
7. The future of LinkedIn groups: „People want realtime communication“
8. Best LinkedIn Practices: 3 simple steps to succesnetworking
9. What about the competition? Xing once was popular, too

Read more about the interview on my blog [in German]


Ello [puls4 Newsbeitrag]

Ello [puls4 Newsbeitrag]

Anlässlich der rapide ansteigenden Popularität von Ello hat puls4 in der abendlichen News-Sendung einen Beitrag über das neue Social Network ausgestrahlt und mich zu meiner Einschätzung des potentiellen “Facebook Killers” befragt. Zwar flüchten in den USA mittlerweile nicht wenige Jugendliche aus dem Zuckerberg-Universum, aber noch stellt Ello keine ernsthafte Konkurrenz dar – zumal die Frage im Raum steht, wie ein Netzwerk ohne Werbung und mit strikten Datenschutzauflagen das Venture Kapital seiner Geldgeber zurückverdienen will.